Home Page
The HOME serves as your central hub when you log in to your myReach account. You can do (almost) anything from there. Essentially, if there’s a single section to get familiar with, it’s the Home page!
It's designed to streamline user experience by prioritising recent activities and making relevant information easily accessible from the Home Page.
This dynamic Home design allows you to streamline your journey. You'll spot four distinct parts:
1. Creation (on the left)
- A single-button gateway for adding new data to your knowledge base effortlessly.
- Crucial for the initial setup and node creation – you can create nodes (ie. save knowledge) directly from here, so there’s no need to navigate to the specific Workspace to save a PDF or add a website.
2. Suggested Queries (in the middle)
- Follow-up questions crafted from your last AI chat, or if you’re new to the Assistant, from the last file or website uploaded.
- Click on any of these questions to open the AI Assistant with the answer to that question, and continue the chat from there. Alternatively, you can type your question directly in the search bar beneath (see point 4 below).
3. Last Updates (on the right)
- A list of your most recent node updates, in chronological order with the most recent one on top.
4. The Magic Search Bar (at the bottom)
- Your fast track to the AI Assistant where you can query your knowledge directly.
- Click on the search bar to ask questions about your information. Just remember, answers are based on the information in your Workspace, so make sure to populate it before asking questions.
- Alternatively you can click on the suggested queries (see point 2) to open a chat with the answer to that specific question.