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Forum, Zapier & Daily Enigma

v2.11.0 – (20th September 2022)


Every new release at myReach comes with several updates…

This time around we’ve got a new forum, a Zapier integration and a daily Enigma to keep you entertained!

New Forum

Share your thoughts and feedback about the App and stay up-to-date with the latest news, in our new Forum. We’ll be able to:

  • Act on your feedback to make the changes you’re wanting to see in the App.

  • Give you helpful tips & tricks and keep you updated with the latest news.

Zapier Integration

Connect myReach to 5,000+ Apps!

If you’re tired of having information scattered in countless apps, this integration is for you. It brings everything together in myReach!

We strongly recommend you set it up from your desktop.

Daily Enigma

Answer a Trivia question daily to have fun and learn something new.