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Improvements to Desktop & new Roadmap

v2.23.0 – (6th July 2023)


If you’re a desktop user – this one’s for you!

As you know, the current UI/UX of the App is designed for Mobile. We’re working on the Desktop version and it’s looking 🔥!

As a first step towards a more dedicated desktop version, we’ve updated some of the key screens.

Desktop UI/UX Improvements

This is only the beginning! To start with, we’ve optimised the following screens:

  • Side navigation bar

  • Top bar to change views

  • Chat with Rich

  • Profile section (About, Tutorials, Integration)

We will continue improving it in the next releases, until the entire App has been adapted and optimised for desktop usage! 🙌

If you have any specific requests, let us know by creating a new feature request with the hashtag #Desktop in the Forum.

myReach Product Roadmap!

We heard your feedback asking for a visible roadmap of planned development. Well, it’s now visible! 🚀

Write all your feature requests in the Forum – we’ll add them to the roadmap so you can follow the progress of the App’s development.

Find out more about the Product Roadmap here.