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Browser Extension

The myReach Web Clipper is a browser extension that allows you to quickly and easily save web content, such as websites, text and images, directly to your myReach knowledge repository while you’re browsing the internet.

It simplifies the process of capturing and organising online information for later, allowing you to save any webpage with one click without having to open the App.

How to add extension

  1. For Google Chrome, click here

  2. For Firefox, click here


How to use Browser Extension

Save a Website

  • While visiting a webpage you want to save, click on the myReach Browser Extension icon or use the shortcut key set in Settings & Options in the extension. For eg "Command + M" (on Mac).

  • If the website hasn't been saved before, click "Save Website" or press Enter.

  • myReach will automatically extract the webpage's content and metadata and save it as a website node in your myReach account.

save website

NOTE: You can save this website to one or multiple workspaces for better organisation by selecting the workspace option available at the bottom right of the extension modal. Select the workspaces and click 'Done'.

Search for Saved Content

You can also use the myReach Browser Extension to search for content you've previously saved.

  • Click on the extension icon, type keywords related to the content you're looking for in the search field available at the top of the extension modal and press Enter.

  • The extension will search through all your workspaces and show the list of relevant content.

You can click on any node from the list and it will open in a new tab.

Chat with Rich

One of the key features of myReach is the ability to chat with Rich, an AI-powered assistant.

  • You can chat with Rich straight from the Extension the same way you can in the myReach app.

  • You can select the specific chat where you want to ask Rich questions.

  • If you don't select any chat and you ask a question to Rich, an “Untitled” chat will be created.

  • When you ask questions, Rich will extract relevant information from your saved content and provide answers to your questions along with the source nodes if any.

When you click on the source node, this is what happens:

Note - It will open the Note node in a new tab

File - Document files will be downloaded to your desktop

Image File – The image will open in a new tab

Website node - It will open the website link in a new tab

Audio/Video file - It will play in a new tab

Tag node - It will open the Tag node in a new tab

Album node - It will open the Album node in a new tab

Open myReach

You can directly open myReach using the Extension modal by clicking on the 'Open myReach' option.

Import Browser Bookmarks

  • To import your browser bookmarks into myReach, click on "Import Browser Bookmarks" in the Extension modal.

  • myReach will open in a new tab and identify all the bookmarks saved in your browser, including folders.

  • Select the folders or websites you want to import and Click "Import".

The selected bookmarks and folders will be imported as a separate node in myReach. Bookmarks within folders will be connected to the corresponding tags, creating a network of organised content.

Settings & Options

You can access Settings & Options to customize the plugin and explore its functionalities. Here's a detailed overview of the options available within Settings & Options:

Extension Theme

You can customise the appearance of the extension by selecting a theme (light, dark or automatic). Click anywhere on the Extension field option to change the theme.

Change the Shortcut

Modify the keyboard shortcut used to open the myReach Browser Extension.

You can set a shortcut that is most convenient for you to access the extension quickly.

Click on Change the shortcut option to see the steps.

Steps for Chrome:

  1. Copy the link for the myReach Browser Extension.

  2. Open a new tab and paste the link.

  3. Set your preferred shortcut for the extension. For example, you can use "Command + M" (on Mac).

Steps for Firefox:

  1. Copy the link from the myReach extension.

  2. Open a new tab and paste the link.

  3. Click on the wheel icon (Manage extension shortcuts).

  4. Set your preferred shortcut for the myReach Web Clipper. For example, you can use "Command + Shift + M."

Using Shortcuts: Once you've set your shortcut, you can use it anytime, regardless of the web page you're on. For example, if you've set "Command + Shift + M" as your shortcut in Firefox, you can press this combination to open and close the extension.

Give Us Feedback

By clicking on this option, you will be directed to the myReach Forum page.

Here, you can provide feedback, report issues or request new features for myReach. Your input is valuable for improving the extension.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Access a video tutorial about the myReach extension on YouTube.

This tutorial provides insights into how to use the extension effectively.

Release Log

Stay informed about updates and changes to the myReach Browser Extension.

The release log provides details about recent updates, improvements and new features.

It helps you keep track of the latest enhancements to the extension.

How to use the myReach Web Clipper

Save Text as a Note

  1. While browsing a webpage, highlight the text you want to save as a note.

  2. Right-click on the selected text.

Note: Depending on your device, the option will either be "Save as a Note" or "myReach Web Clipper". Inside "myReach Web Clipper" there can be multiple options including "Save as a Note", "Save as a Note and Website", "Save as a Website" or "Save as a File".

  • Choose the "Save as a Note" option from the context menu.

The selected text will be saved as a note in your myReach repository.

save as note

When you come across a webpage or article you want to save as a website in myReach

  1. Right-click on the link.

  2. Choose to "Save as a Website" option from the context menu.

The link will be saved as a website node in myReach. Also, the domain of the website will be saved as a separate node.

For Example: If you are saving any YouTube video link, then the domain will also be saved as a separate node.

Save an Image as a File

  1. To save an image from a webpage, right-click on the image you want to save.

  2. Choose the "Save as File" option from the context menu.

The image will be saved as a file node in your myReach.