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Storage & Limits

Managing your data efficiently is crucial to ensure seamless organisation and access. We provide comprehensive storage and capacity options to accommodate your diverse needs in myReach.

Total Capacity

The Free Plan offers storage for up to 500 nodes, 5GB of knowledge and 50 messages in the AI Chat. If your requirements surpass these limits you can upgrade to the Premium Plan, which allows storage for 5,000 nodes, 50GB or 500 messages in the AI Chat. We also offer an Enterprise Plan for a long-term intelligent assistant for your company, with advanced controls and support. Click here to find out more about pricing.

Go to the Gamification page to find out how you can upgrade to the Premium Plan for Free, and ultimately use the App for free indefinitely!


File Size

We prioritise efficient data handling, allowing file uploads of up to 5MB, enabling you to manage significant pieces of information without restrictions.

Number of Workspaces

Our platform is designed to offer flexibility in information organisation, without imposing strict limits on the number of workspaces you can create. While we recommend maintaining between 3 to 15 workspaces for optimal organisation, the specific number can vary based on your unique use case and requirements. Click here to find out more about Workspaces.

Automatic Backup

Your data security is our priority. myReach automatically backs up all your data on secure servers, providing peace of mind and ensuring that your information remains safe and accessible. Find out more about security in myReach here or in our Privacy Policy or Terms and Conditions available on the myReach website

Data Restoration

In the event of accidental data deletion, our "Trash" feature enables easy recovery. However, please note that once data is deleted from the trash it cannot be recovered, as we prioritise data security and privacy.

Additionally, if you choose to delete your account, please be aware that this action is irreversible and permanently removes all your data from the platform and our servers.

Data Export

We're working on implementing a comprehensive export functionality that would enable you to export selected workspaces and nodes. Essentially it’s a backup feature, which creates a folder with all your data as well as a CSV with all the nodes and the properties.

In the meantime, you can download selected nodes manually to your device, ensuring that you have access to your information whenever you need it.