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Google Docs

Import your Google Docs to myReach and convert them to Notes.


It's not just a simple document, you can keep all your work in one document with in-text mentions to reference your research, notes, contacts and more. You can also add attachments and comments for later.

The integration enables intelligent search features, making it easier to find relevant information. With the addition of tags, you can organise your documents effectively.

In addition, AI-driven recommendations streamline workflows, offering insights into related content. Overall, the integration promotes improved productivity and consolidated information analysis within a unified platform.

Steps to Integrate

  1. Go to Profile < Integrations < Google Docs

  2. Read the instructions carefully

  3. Click on "Open Google Takeout"

  4. Login to your account and from the list of options select Google Drive to export and scroll to the bottom of the page to click "Next Step"

  5. You will get an option to complete the import via various options. e.g. Email, Dropbox, Drive, OneDrive etc. You will also have to choose the frequency of the export (export once, every 2 months for 1 year) and the file type (.zip)

  6. Click on "Create Export"

  7. Let's say you choose to Export files via email. You will get an email to Download your files

  8. Go to your email and download the files. They will be downloaded as a zip folder

  9. Unzip the folder, go to the Google Docs integration page in myReach and upload it using the "Upload Folder" option

Folders will be imported as Tags and will automatically connected to the relevant Notes

There's no cooldown period, which means you can do multiple integrations back to back.

Integration options

Click on the 3 dots at top right of the Google docs integration page to see the options.

1. Go to Workspace - Using this option, you can redirect to the Google docs Workspace.

2. Show History Log - Here you can see the Import History of your Google docs integration.

You can see the date when you did integration along with the number of Nodes created.

3. Remove Integration - Using this option you can Remove the Google docs integration.

The Google Docs workspace will also be removed and nodes unique to the Google docs Workspace will be moved to the "Unassigned" Workspace.


  1. Only docx files can be imported

  2. Files > 50MB cannot be imported

  3. If you make the changes in your document, there’s no sync option to reflect the changes in myReach. In this case you have to upload the document again.