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The Emails Tab provides the tabular information of all the users that have provided their email during a conversation.

Here is how it works:

  1. In the categories section of the Genie setup (dashboard), you can customise your own AI categories for the AI to classify each message according to what category it falls under.

  2. When you create a category, you can add a follow-up question, with an option to

    a) write just text

    b) provide a email input

    c) provide a link to an external source

  3. If you select option b, when a message falls under that category, the AI's response includes the email input.

  4. When the user writes their email there, this information will be reflected in the Emails Tab.

The table in the Emails Tab includes:

  • Date: The date when the email was provided by the user.

  • Category: The category the answer is related to.

  • Email: The user's email address.

  • Chat ID: The unique identifier for the chat session.