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Add myGenie to your Framer website

Log in to your Framer account, and then:

Step 1: Navigate to Pages

  • From the side menu, select Pages.

  • Click on the page where you want to add the myGenie widget.

Step 2: Open Settings

  • Click on the settings icon located at the top right of the screen.

Step 3: Add a Custom Code

  • Scroll down to the Custom Code section.

  • Paste your myGenie script into the start of the body tag field.

Step 4: Save and Publish

  • Click "Save" and then "Publish" at the top of the panel.

  • You can now view the myGenie widget on your Framer website.

By following these steps, you will successfully integrate the myGenie chat widget into your Framer site, enhancing its functionality and improving user engagement.