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Add myGenie to your Shopify Store

Integrating myGenie into your Shopify store can greatly enhance customer engagement and support. Follow these steps to seamlessly embed MyGenie into your Shopify platform.

Step 1: Obtain Widget Code from myGenie:

  • Ensure you have the proper script or widget code from myGenie that allows the chatbot to be embedded into a website.

  • This code is typically a JavaScript snippet provided by myGenie.

Step 2: Access Your Shopify Admin Panel:

  • Log in to your Shopify admin account.

Step 3: Edit Shopify Theme:

  • Navigate to Online Store > Themes.

  • Click on the Actions button next to the active theme and select Edit Code.

Step 4: Add the myGenie Widget Code:

  • In the Layout directory, locate and click on the theme.liquid file.

  • Paste the myGenie widget code just before the closing </body> tag.

  • Save the changes.

Step 5: Test Your Integration:

  • Visit your Shopify store to test if the chatbot appears and functions as expected.

  • Ensure the chatbot reflects your company's branding and works across different devices and browsers.

Step 6: Collect Feedback and Refine:

  • Share the integrated chatbot with team members or a small group of customers for feedback.

  • Use the gathered insights to fine-tune the chatbot's responses and functionality.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate myGenie into your Shopify store and enhance the customer experience through improved engagement and support.